"With" Review

 Hello readers, 

I recently read a book that I loved and it's called With! It is by Skye Jethani and I have enjoyed reading the books he has written. “With” is about how to live in communion with God and not from him, not over him, not under him, and not for God. Life over God should be pretty simple.  It means you’re not following God’s rules, but you are making your own. This doesn’t seem bad if you’re not a Christian but it is really a sin when you do that. You are saying that I won’t follow Jesus and his rules but me and my rules whether you realize it or not. Also it is when you use God to bless you're life. Skye Jethani illustrates what it is like to be in a Life Over God stage when he says "The mystery and wonder of the world is lost as God is abandoned in favor of proven formulas and controllable outcomes" (Jethani 6). Skye is basically saying that when you are Over God then it is  when you think you or someone else has authority. When, really, God is in control of every situation. The Life For God means you are so worried about doing what God is wanting you to do. Why is this bad?  It isn't bad until you make it your idol - that's when it's bad. Also it is bad when you become so focused on doing the work God wants you to do that you forget to be with God.  What does that mean? It means you can be doing the work of God, but make it your ultimate goal and not being with God and in communion with Him. Then Life Under God is not good either because what it means is you do what God wants you to do and expecting Jesus to bless everything you have and do in return. To live life communing with God means to pray with the Holy Spirit, pray with your church, and pray with the scripture. This is how the Father of the entire universe wants you to live your life in communion with Him and with the Christian believers around you. I truly recommend this book it has taught me a lot about God and it was just a pleasure to read. If you are interested in reading then you can find it on amazon.com.



  1. This is fantastic. Thanks for reviewing this book Julia! I'll forward it to Skye. Maybe he'll drop a comment.

  2. Thanks for sharing Julia! Can relate to all of the ways we try to manipulate God instead of just being with him.


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