
Showing posts from October, 2020

What You Do When You Are A Christian? Now What?

 Hello readers, So last week I wrote about "What is Christianity and What do we believe?" Now this week I am writing about what do you do now that you are Christian? Your a Christian- great! Now what? The answer is: live your life serving Jesus Christ and loving others. How do you do that? There are many things you can do to achieve this. One is tell about Jesus and share the good news (hint: Jesus died on the cross for you) also known as the gospels. Another way to keep your faith with Christ Jesus alive is reading your Bible everyday and praying with Jesus! There are also more broad things you can do. For an example, doing some mission trips: in the Bible it says,  He said to them"Go preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever doesn't believe will be condemned. Mark 16:15-16. Jesus is saying if you believe, then go tell others about what you believe so they don't have to suffer the consequences. These are just

What is Christianity? And What Do We Believe?

Hello readers,  Today I am going to talk about Christianity. What is it?  What do we believe?   I am going to answer these questions today. So Christianity is a religion in the world. Christianity is about a person named Jesus but Christians believe He is more than that. In addition to being a good teacher and a person He is the Son of God. We believe that Jesus Christ was a perfect man and we are far from perfect. I have made plenty of mistakes in my life, like not doing what my parents say. In the beginning the first people on earth named Adam and Eve sinned (this is what sin is:  Sin definition ) and didn't follow God's instructions. We inherited this sin nature and this is why we are not perfect.  But the Lord Jesus died on the cross for our sin . In the New Testament, the first part of John 3:16 says For God so loved the world he gave his one and only son . The second part of that verse says whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life . This means if we b